Getting Started

The easy way

You can use creat-next-app to get started very quickly.


npx create-next-app


yarn create next-app

This will install a boilerplate app and all of its dependencies. The project's package.json will have all the needed scripts ready for you as well.

The still pretty easy way

We can set up a Next.js app from scratch. That's actually what we'll be doing in this course. In the desired directory already initialized with git and a package.json:


npm i next react react-dom --save


yarn add next react react-dom

Next, we need to add some helpful scripts to our package.json

"scripts": {
  "dev": "next",
  "build": "next build",
  "start": "next start"

So what do these commands do?

next Will start Next.js in dev mode with hot reloading.

next build Will build your project and ready it for production.

next start Will start your built app, used in production.

🧠  remember: Next.js is a full-stack framework, by default, it needs to be hosted on a platform that supports Node.js

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