Course Overview


In this course, you'll be following along with me while exploring the concepts of Next.js while building a simple app. We'll stay focused on Next.js specifics and breeze through the rest. All the lessons are on this site. However, to get the best experience, there are videos on Frontend Masters accompanying this course. You will need a membership to view them. (Highly recommended)

Here is the repo, hendrixer/nextjs-course-app.

Although we'll be building an app from scratch, I'll have every step easily ready for you to look at. Each lesson has a branch name associated with it. You can checkout to that branch to see the solution to that lesson. A lesson on this site will show its branch name like this:

🌲 branch: git checkout the-branch-name


We'll be building a SaaS notes app, ready for funding 😂. Sounds simple, and it is, but allows us to cover everything we need to get the best of Next.js without app complexity getting in the way.


Throughout this course, lessons will have some sections that hint at certain things, here's what you might see!


👍🏾   tip this is my tip


🧠   reminder: this is a reminder

Be careful not to

⚠️   careful please be careful

Lesson Branch

🌲   branch: git checkout the-branch-name

Summary TLDR;

📏   TLDR: in short, it means this

Extr info

🕳   deep dive: you can also use this thing

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